Hey, why not be daring and publish! No, it's not too expensive! Some schools have the technologies needed to publish a book.
Aiming at publishing will make the whole task of writing the story much more meaningful to you, you will see. What if you do something really good? Your parents will want to encourage you. Then your brother's wife will want to buy the book for her own children as well. And your brother and his wife will talk about how great your story is to their friends. Therefore, they will want to buy the book also! Imagine! Spread the word!
By publishing, you would not only have the chance to brighten a child's day, but it will show to everybody how good of a writer you are. And plus, we never know, maybe you will discover yourself and want to become a writer. If it is the case, you will already have one step into the world of Creative Writing. But remember two things, "Writing is Rewriting" and "Practice Makes Perfect". Don't be afraid to work on your story several times!